- A
- Amphora
- a two-handled ovoid narrow necked vessel used by the ancients for
holding wine or other liquids. IGCB
Always with a point on the bottom, for sticking in dirt,
used with a ring stand on solid surfaces; more often of clay
than glass and therefore a shape or style today. MF A visitor, M. Hans
Liebert, points out that the shape permitted tight packing in sailing ships,
the point fitting snugly in the space between the vessels on the next layer
down. 2005-03-31
- Animals, General
- Most often done in solid glass with general rounded
shapes, blown pieces as sculpture. Engraved animals are
common. See Glass Animals by Albane Dolez. Also Popular
Glass of the 50's & 60's, Leslie Piņa, See Fish Birds. Other common animals are swans,
whales, cats and small birds. Very common in 2003 in Seattle were
elaborate jelly fish, perhaps because of exhibit at aquarium. Octopus and
shells with pearls also seen. Animals in Miller's Glass index: boars,
deer, dogs, dolphins, dragonflies, elephants, fish, frogs, horses,
kangaroos, lions, lizards, mice, pigs, polar bears, rabbits, rams,
salamanders, sea horses, serpents, snails, snakes, squirrels, & stoats!
- Armonica, Ben Franklin's
A set of glass bowls nested on a turning wooden shaft,
played by wetting the fingers and touching the rim. Apparently invented
by Ben Frankling.
Supposedly the music is so eerie that it drives the
players mad, but an article in the Dallas Morning News [3/21/01
p.3c] mentions that lead glass was used and the constant
rubbing contact may have induced lead poisoning. It also
mentions that a lead free version was made in the 1982 by
Gerhard Finkenbeiner in Massachusetts. 2001-03-22 The
same effect is more cheaply with a Glass Harp
"Homer Hoyt's "Glassblowing" has two pages
on (and two pictures of) Finkenbeiner and his glass
harmonica, and mentions that he uses fused silica for his
instruments." .Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans,
U of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois [Image shows amonica blown by
Finkenbeiner and assembled in Washington, played at Tacoma Museum by William
Wilde Zeitler, CD's of Christmas and other songs,
1-877-ARMONICA 2003-06]
- Ash tray
- A flat bowl-shaped holder of cigarettes and cigars with
their ashes, much out of fashion with the decline in
smoking. With a notch or flat area for supporting the burning tube
and sometimes water holding for dousing the end. See candy dish.
- Aquarium pieces, Aquariums, Glass
- solid reefs, floaters, and shapes fish can swim through.
Must be sealed or cleanable for the health of the fish.
Less often, the aquarium itself, but even a small
aquarium (3-5 gallons) is a serious blowing project as a
large vase will hold only about a gallon. An aquarium in the shape of a
fish (open back) supported on a bowl ("fish may use upper or lower") 1931 ad
shown in Warman's.p.45 [The increasing use of single
fish bottles for fighting fish is a smaller alternative. 2003-03-28] Neck down open
floaters will gradually sink as air inside dissolves into
the water; fish will swim up into them. Making (lampworked)
fish and putting them into settings that look like
aquariums or seascapes is a fairly common activity.
Making fish of blown glass is common.
Glass & Water
- B
Balloon goblet
- a very large bowled goblet, usually thin glass, for
serving fine brandy designed for only a small amount of
liquid that is swirled and warmed by the hands to collect
the aroma in the bowl. also called a brandy snifter
- Banana Boat
- Although sometimes a banana split bowl, otherwise a holder for fruit,
like a cake plate with two sides turned up to keep the fruit from falling
off. Warman's p.136
- Banana Split Bowl or boat or plate
- An oval shallow bowl shaped to hold and support a banana split
lengthwise on which are traditionally placed 3 scoops of ice cream with 3
sauces (chocolate, strawberry, butterscotch) topped with whipped cream,
chopped nuts and cherries. 2007-10-16
- Bank (Coin)
- Banks usually have a slot
for adding coins and a cork or other stopper for removing
same. If the bank is intended to be broken to release the
accumulated savings, there may be no stopper. Plate 4,
GGNJ shows a pitcher/mug shape 5.375" tall with a
pinched in top to create the slot for adding money. The
same plate includes a clear glass base blown in a jelly
mold and "crown" of bands of green glass with
spaces between to add money. Mold blown bottles of
buildings, etc., have neck openings modified to accept
- Barber Bottles
- "colorful glass bottles found on shelves and counters in barber hops,
held the liquids barbers used daily. A specific liquid was in a
specific bottle which the barber knew by color, design or lettering."
Warman's Those shown have a reduced sized
opening/stopper for squirting and a ring at or near the top of the narrow neck for
gripping with slippery hands. 2003-08-07
- Beads
- Beads have a long long history with a recent resurgence
of the craft of bead decorating and bead making in glass
as well as clay, poly-clay, and other substances. Standard
glass beads are made on a mandrel, usually working at the
torch rather than the furnace. Beads using techniques
similar to marble work can be made by blowing a thick
hollow tube. Trade beads (as used on American Indian
clothing) were made either by blowing and pulling a long
thin tube and breaking it into chunks which were smoothed
by tumbling or by melting glass on wire and acid removing
the wire.
- Bell
- A thin walled bowl with a handle on the outside middle of the bottom
and a loop inside for hanging a clapper to make noise when swung so the
clapper strikes the bowl. Lead glass would have the best tone.
Fragile MILLER p.297 2003-06-29, 2007-10-16
- Bell jar
- A cover for food, pies, etc. (and vacuum chamber in labs)
normally bell or dome shaped with a knob on top for lifting. see twine holder, clock
dome. May be small, as protecting cheese served at
room temperature ETG
- Bellows
- Glass in the shape of a bellows, flat sides with ridges on edges,
handles and nozzle, decorative only until I see one work
MILLER p.297 2003-06-29 (e-mail says
non-working so just cast)
- Bird Feeder
One design is like a vase with knob foot and a reverse
flared lip with holes drilled just below the rim.
- The vase is filled with birdseed and the
opening stoppered. When turned knob up seed falls out of
the drilled holes on the reverse lip and birds can feed.
A wire round the knob forms a hanger. (A loop for the
knob would also work, being harder to smooth and punty.)
See Hummingbird feeder
- Birds
- Birds are a continuing favorite in varying detail.
- Bird Fountain
- A small necked bottle with a glass "pipe"
coming out near the base and bending up so liquid will
stand at the end of the pipe, for watering chickens? or
other birds. About 5" tall. NEGG p.35 Similarly with metal tube
and for rodents like gerbils, etc.
- Bobeches [bo - be - shez]
- "Disks serving as a catchall for hot candle wax drippings."
Collectors Encycl.of Am.Art.Glass p.225
Disks or small saucers may be separate held by bolt of candle socket mount,
made as part of the socket, or hung by chains below it. MF
- Bouquet
- Glass flowers arranged in a matching (ideally)
vase or simply made plant-like. May be one or more stems
on a base, colored or not, more or less realistic.
- Bottles
- Wide variety of sizes and shapes, flasks, wines, carboys
and demijohns. Once all hand (to about 1820) then mold
blown (during 19th). The invention of the automatic bottle
blower was a major event in glass
- Bottle Stopper
- Glass can be used as a decoration on a chrome or cork bottle stopper
being built as a knob or a paperweight. Suggestions
here. 2007-11-25
- Bowls
- An object to hold other items placed in from the top,
often with a lid to protect the inserted items, with a
base to keep the opening upward which may be a simple
flat surface, and added ring, a foot, or a stemmed foot.
Many shown in ETG
- Brandy snifter
- A large bowl wine glass designed to
hold a small amount of brandy capturing the fumes to
enhance the experience of drinking. Balloon goblet
- Brick, glass
- Not blown, but pressed glass, made in two halves and fused or glued
together for architectural purposes. Also incidentally used to make
book ends, vases, etc. While 80% of light is transmitted in some
kinds, visually the image is distorted. 2002-10-06
- Bud vase
- Usually tall slender vase to hold one stem with unopened
flower, see vases.
- Bugle
- A musical instrument, when made in glass with a single loop, may be
functional. MILLER p.297
- Bulb vase
- A tall vase with a gallery rim so that
the bulbs are supported above the water and the roots can extend down into
it, for blooming hyacinths and other bulbs.
- Business Card Holder
- A paperweight with a slot in the top, or folded glass, of a shape and
size to hold standard business cards upright at a slight angle, with most of
the front of the card exposed for reading. 2003-12-04
- Buttons
- Glass buttons were mostly pressed, but ones have been
made in the form of small paperweights (AG-M p.411) and
beads have been used as buttons. May have thru holes or a nub at
the back with a sideways hole thru it.
- C
Cage Cup
- A cup with a 'cage' of glass surrounding it with posts between,
previously thought to be made of thick glass, most which is carved away. Now
thought to be fused with much less cutting. The most famous
are from in Roman times. 2007-12-02
- Cake Stand
- most often two plates on a center post which extends to form a loop
handle above. Used for displaying and serving slices of cakes,
allowing diner to take a choice. Post & handle usually metal.
MILLER p.298 2003-06-29
- Calabash
- a gourd-shaped flask. IGCB
- Candle Holder
- Shorter, tumbler-shaped, for stubby (votive) candles,
which may have a stub stem below to fit in a wood or
metal base. May also, less often, be a weighted base to
hold a taper.
- Candle Stick
- Holder for tall slender candles, often also tall, set in
a socket.
- Candy
- Images of candy, where clear glass acts as the cellophane
twist wrapper. Lundberg? Candy cane.
- Candy bowl
- Flattish bowl holding candy in an office or home, shaped
for easy removal. One of the few useful glass display
pieces often seen in offices. May have lid. See also compote.
- Cane, Walking Walking Sticks, Batons
- Usually a presentation award to a retiring worker or
union president, solid glass with spiraling color, seen
in several museums. GGNJ p.203
MILLER p.296
- Canning Jar
- A jar with a shaped rim or other added
features (knobs, neck shape) specifically to permit
locking a lid in place to hold liquids and food in place.
Usually metal and glass to permit boiling the product to
a safe heat level before sealing occurs. Many many
designs down through the years, the Mason and Bell jars
being the best known.
- Carafe
container for liquids, most often at the table, tapered
in from the bottom then flaring at the top so the neck is
a convenient grip for holding and pouring wine, vinegar,
or water. Unlike a decanter, does
not usually have matching stopper and a flare rather than
a lip or rim to catch the hand. The one shown here from ETG is marked with measure
lines for use in a bar, according to the book.
- Carboy
- a large cylindrical bottle normally holding one to ten
gallons of liquid. IGCB
- Carnival Glass
- Brightly colored glass in fancy shapes, named because it was given as
prizes at carnivals (and also movie game nights) in the 20's and 30's.
Often pressed glass with colored layers or
iridized surfaces. More a category than an object but much is first
identified as Carnival Glass rather than as a vase or platter. 2008-12-05
- Card Holder
- U shape or small cup to hold business cards on a counter or desk while
displaying the face of the card. 2005-03-07
- Case Bottle
- A decanter (cf.) or other bottle with flat sides so that
several fit nicely in a rectangular case (AG-M plate 35)
- Celery Vase
- Upright cylinder for holding celery at the dinner table.
7" tall, 5" diameter (AG-M pl. 49)
- Chains
- Large link chains are a nuisance to make as the links
tend to stick together, not worn, but usually displayed. GGNJ p.203
- Chalice
- Usually larger, heavier form of goblet,
may have religious connotations.
- Chamber Pot
- Bowl of reasonable size with handle on side for night toilet use, kept
under bed. Far more often in pottery than glass.
MILLER p.298 2003-06-29
- Chandelier
- A light fixture hung from the ceiling, usually containing
a steel structure, which often dominates visually, which
supports glass that catches light, which may come from
candles or electric bulbs on the fixture or from
surrounding sources. Modern chandeliers, such as Dale
Chihuly's tend to be massively glass, while older ones
are a decorative iron or steel structure holding glass
mostly to catch light, Light
Fixtures and Lamps
- Chime, Wind or Garden Chime
- See Wind Chime
- Chimney
- See Lamp Chimney
- Clock dome
- A smooth thin glass cylinder with a hemispherical top
that was originally used to cover open work tabletop
clocks and is used also for displays of dolls, etc.
Rarely done by hand today.
- Compote
- A bowl on a stem, usually flattish with curved in sides
as for holding fruit compote.
- Cooler
- Handcooler
- Creamer
- A small pitcher (cf.) for holding cream at the table when
small amounts are added to coffee, tea, or foods (cereal,
puddings, deserts)
- Cruet
For oil & vinegar dressing, often a
small decanter, but usually a more
specialized pitcher with a tiny spout for spreading the
oil on the salad and even more specialized in a double
sided bottle with two necks..
- Cup Plate
- When it was the habit to pour tea or coffee from the cup
into the saucer to cool it for drinking, the cup had to
be set someplace and a cup plate was provided. Usually
small, flat and decorated with pressed images. etc.
- Custard Cup
- A bowl of small size (2.5-3"
diameter by 1.5-2" deep) used for cooking and
serving individual portions of custard which is cooked in
a shallow water bath.
- Crystolium
- A rectangular convex curved piece of glass reverse painted and framed.
Apparently an Edwardian item with limited recognition on the net. Seen
on FlogIt TV show and on Internet but no definition found.
- D
- Decanter
- A container for wine, etc., traditionally with a reduced
neck and expanded lip to permit easy grip while pouring.
Decanting wine is carefully pouring off the wine from a
vintage bottle (or the barrel) to leave the sediment
behind. The term has been extended to stoppered bottles
with lips that permanently hold brandy and liquor in a
sideboard. Acid wines may release lead when stored for
long periods in lead crystal. GGNJ fig.196 shows a 16
compartment decanter, 8 sections on each of two levels
requiring 16 blown gathers merged into a single bottle
- Demijohn
- A bottle (glass or pottery) intended to hold 1-10 gallons
of liquid, 2-5 being more common apparently, wrapped in
wicker for chip/crack protection. Mostly about
Revolutionary-Civil War time. This guy collects them and
shows a bunch http://members.aol.com/pristis/
a large bladder-shaped bottle normally holding one to ten
gallons of liquid. IGCB
- Domes
- Clock Domes and covers for food. The
ends of cylinder glass were used as food covers, GGNJ.
- Door handle Door Knob
- Glass door handles are less common today, in part because
of the liability risk of people being cut by broken glass.
Most glass doorknobs are molded or pressed and were
particularly popular about 1900. Doorknobs made like
paperweights are interesting (OGP
P.42) When I attempted to track down a source for brass
fittings to hold the glass, I found they were somewhere
in India, where the door handle units came from. At least
one glassworker has made paperweight style knobs by
sawing the glass off the base and gluing the weight to
the flat glass surface. Emtek http://www.emtekproducts.com/
is marketing door knob hardware in glass for modern doors
- Form of a paperweight, described as having a rough punty area in vintage
versions, green glass with bubbles, vertical oval, 5" tall, mantle ornament,
door stop, probably named and roughly made in bottle glass shops
Miller p227
- E
- Egg
- Obviously, a small paperweight in the shape of an egg, may
have a flat bottom or be worked like a marble to a round
bottom and then displayed in a ring holder or even an egg
cup. Also may be a small blown shape, usually with
considerable color to represent either an Easter Egg or a
colored bird's egg.
- Egg Cup
- Shallow cup to hold a cooked egg upright in the shell or
hold poached egg together. ETG
shows a double ended cup (p.101) that does both.
- Epergne [accent on first e]
- An arrangement of narrow tapered vases mounted above a plate
or base. Miller p.47 Glass is
flute or horn
- Ewer
- A tall slender pitcher, commonly with a nearly vertical
handle, usually with a distinctive lip, often designated
for pouring water for cleaning hands, etc. GAWH fig.27
- Eye Glass, Eye Cup
- a small stemmed bowl sized to match the eye socket used to apply fluid -
water or boric acid solution - to the eye to wash it. more often
molded than blown MILLER p.299 2003-06-29
- F
Fairy Lights
- which candle maker Clarke trademarked, are two piece
stands: a rather elaborate base and (usually) ovoid dome
with a finger-sized hole in the top. Some of the tops
were also quite exotic. Clarke made short long-burning
candles which were to be placed in windows, etc., to ward
off burglars. Seen on PBS show (info source) and in
Burmese glass at Texas A&M MSC Galleries. HB18
- Figure
- A small statue of the human form. MILLER
p.300 2003-06-29
- Finials
in a catalog, glass finials for curtain rods have a metal base and screw to
the end of the rod. Or have a solid rod base that fits in hollow
tubing with a set screw. 2007-10-16
- Firing Glass
- A drinking glass with a heavy base, often a disk
extending beyond the base of the glass, presumed to be
named from the sound of banging (firing) the glass on the
table in celebration. (GGNJ
- Fire grenade
- a glass bottle fire extinguisher filled with carbon
tetrachloride and designed to be thrown into a fire and
broken. IGCB
- Fish
- Inflated body with fins, eyes, etc. added as hot bits; if
the mouth is ground, may be done entirely on the pipe,
otherwise punty on tail. Common art glass exercise and
low cost sales item. See Animals
- Flame
- Glass can be used to produce an reproduction of a flame
which picks up light from adjacent sources MF
- Flask
- A flattened bottle more convenient to fit in pocket,
often molded with images of people or buildings -
presidents and log cabins.
- Flat Glass
- Window glass, mirrors, and stained glass. Flat glass of quality is
harder to make than tableware. From early times to about 1810, blown window glass was made by
the broad glass method, which involved making a large bottle and cutting it
open while hot onto a flat surface, which marred the glass. From about
1700 to 1870, better window glass was made by the Crown Glass method of
spinning out a disk 30-54" in diameter. (Fig.48 NEGG) From about 1750 to
about 1915, it was made by the Cylinder Method by blowing a large cylinder,
cutting off the top and bottom, cutting the side when cold and
flattening at sagging temperature which resulted in less damage to the
surface of the glass. (Fig.41
NEGG) At this time, mechanical
methods began to take over, including drawn cylinders of great size, drawn
flat sheets and finally starting in the mid-twentieth century,
floating the
molten glass on tin for a nearly perfect surface.
Rarely done by
blowers today because of the special glory hole, stand
and annealer needs. NEGG Some stained glass is
still blown, Genuine Antique
Glass, most is poured and rolled,
Glass Common Terms, or continuous cast sheet. 2006-08-21
- Flip (glass)
- A large drinking glass, no stem, no handle, often with a
lid, perhaps modeled after metal versions, that held the
drink 'flip', which the OED defines as cider and brandy
with spices or beer and spirits heated with an iron
poker, so the lid kept the alcohol and spice fumes in.
- Flip-flop
- A cone/funnel shaped piece about 9" long with a thin
layer of glass across the mouth which makes the sound
given in the name when blown into. Apparently made in
many factories. NEGG p.89-90
- Float Bowl
- A flat bowl for floating flowers with or without a center
decoration or a frog for supporting upright flower
arrangements. A picture
borrowed from this
site. 2000-9-11

- Floating Candle Bowl
- A thin bowl intended to hold a tea light or
candle oil with a wire supported wick. Must be thin glass to not float
too deep. Especially with tea lights (small candles in a thin metal can)
should curve above the flame height to catch light. 2008-05-31
- Floats
Globular, sometimes spherical, pieces
designed to float on water. Commercial net floats
from Japan and Chihuly's Niijima
Floats may be best known. The former seem to fall in
two groups at about 4-6" and about 12". The
latter are about 18-21". See aquarium.
- Flower Dish
Either long slender shape to hold stemmed flowers almost
flat with stems below water or a very flat bowl with near vertical edges
in which to float blossoms with little or no stem. 2003-12-04
- Flower Vase
- see vase
- Flowers, Glass
- More or less realistic blossoms on stems, or blossoms on
objects. Many variations. Roses, lilies. See Bouquet. Lilies of the Furnace GGNJ p.202 Roses, lilies, etc. in
- Flute
- Tall slender tapered footed drinking glass. Also the same shape without
a foot for insertion in an epergne 2003-08-10
- Fly Trap

- A glass globe with
a hole in the bottom shaped to lead flies in and block
them from getting out. This image from a site on Canadian
glass (click on image to visit site.) but also shown in
many books on glass objects. ETG
- Folly
My own term (from Victorian architecture)
for something with little or no purpose other than
appearance. For example, the objects in the image at the
right are sealed and glued to the copper post for placing
in a garden; they are entirely decorative, like a gazing ball
- Frigger
- "Yes, friggars or friggers are just nonsense bits of glass,
produced by the glassblower often just to show off his skill. Don't know
where the word comes from, but wonder if it's the same as slang "frigging
about", meaning to fool about.
Yours, Margaret Hopkins
MF "on your page http://www.antique-glass.co.uk/Collectors_curiosities.htm
there is this line
19th century friggar: pipe in white, green & blue. 21 1/4"/54 cm.
and at the top it says lacemaker lamps & globes, friggers, patty pans,
toddy lifters, stirrup cups "
Also shown in
MILLER and "Inferor pieces made by beginners
learning glass making techniques" Collectors Encycl.of
Am.Art.Glass p.226 [MF: but I also recall reading that this negative
view has been re-evaluated.] 2008-05-21
- Fruit, Glass
- Individual pieces or arrangements. Pieces may be
realistic color and details or shape done in clear white
or colored glass. On Antiques Roadshow, a Czech/Bohemian
glass lamp (1920's) with the bulb inside the reed base
and the fruit pieces wired to an arched cap, the wired
arches covered with clear beads to enhance appearance. 3/29/99
- Fruit Cup
- While it is just a short goblet for holding fruit, a
special variation is shown in ETG
where the bowl is solid glass, nearly full with a slight
rim to hold brandied fruit up above the rim for a bolder appearance.
- Fulgurite
- a long slender glass tube formed by lightning striking
sand. natural glass IGCB
- Funnel
- Cone or rounded bowl connected to a tube with an opening between to
permit pouring liquids or powders thru small openings. Also name of a foot of same
shape. 2005-08-29
- G
Garden Folly
name for glass (or metal) on a post for decorative purposes. At the
Cottonwood Arts festival saw fused glass plaques in welded frames and
several versions of blown glass on copper pipes. Three shown at right each
use different methods of mount - a modified copper adapter to fit large
glass stub; neat glass collar with pipe fitted; and, on the twisted ones,
insert the copper through the blow hole all the way to the top of the
bubble. I have a blue glass egg shape in my back yard.
Garden Lamp/Lantern
- A source of soft lighting for twilights in the garden, ideally portable
(no cord) so battery electric with LED's in the modern mode or votive
candles or tea lights in the old fashioned mode. Made in paper, metal,
ceramic (with holes) and glass, should be translucent and protect flame from
wind, have a hanger and/or go on a post. Ikea sells Sommar tea light holders
in stores. 2007-05-25
- Gazing Ball
- A mirrored sphere, typically about a foot in diameter
that is placed in a stand to reflect the image of the
viewer and surroundings. Glass may be colored or clear. I
have recently (2001-04) seen unmirrored, clear, slightly
colored balls. The neck is left in place and used to
support the ball. A real fad in the past year (2001-04) Mirroring Folly
- Glass, Drinking
- A tubular or bowl shaped fluid holder without stem. Ordinary glasses
are rarely blown now because commercial items are so
cheap and making matched sets is so difficult, but see goblet. Glasses have been made in a
great variety of shapes. In the ultimate, there has been
a shape of glass designated for virtually every variation
in wine, brandy and liquor. See also: goblet,
wine glass, wafer glass
- Goblet
- Stemmed glasses, a major category of blowing in which
shows and competitions are held. Goblets are made in
several styles, the extremes being the gossamer light
Italian style with blown foot and heavier pressed foot
rooted in German blowing. see chalice,
rummer, balloon
- Gravy Boat
- A long narrow bowl with a spout at one end and a handle
at the other and usually with a foot in the shape of a
plate to catch drips. Also used for and called a sauce boat.
- Greeting Cards, Window
- Etched glass rectangles, put in Millville windows at
Christmas and Easter, made in multiples for merchants. GGNJ p.202.
- H
- Handcooler
- The Victorian name for a small paperweight style glass
ball carried to cool the hand (no dampness when shaking)
now sold both for a lower cost paperweight product and as
contemplative product, like a river rock. Egg
- Handle (independent)
- A handle for a knife, seal, etc., can easily be made from
glass, generally following marble or paperweight making
techniques or just using the forms for handles on
glassware. Normally, a specific size is needed at the end
to hold a metal ferule and a hole may be required for a
shaft. Not a common object. An attached
handle is a hot bit.
- Harmonica, Glass
- See Armonica
- Harp, Glass
- A group of thin glass goblets, often lead crystal, arranged in
rows and columns for convenient access and tuned by adding water, so they
can be played by rubbing a damp finger tip around the rim. The singing sound
is low in volume and a bit eerie and each note must be pulled for a moment.
Any thin glass that rings when struck can be made to "sing" by rubbing to
demonstrate the process
Wiki Armonica 2011-03-26
- Hat
- Normally a bowl made to look like a hat but upside down
so it is still a bowl, it is an exercise in making a flat
bottom, vertical or tapered inward sides and a wide rim/brim
and matching the appearance of a hat style. (AG-M pl. 47)(NEGG fig.123) Several modern
artists have made full sized hats as sculptures, usually
sandblasted to better match the appearance of cloth.
- Helmet-Shaped Pitcher
- Like a Greek or German helmet, with a heavy spout/peak,
shape is a cone with no inward necking of glass. GGW, p.48
- Horn Vase, Horn
- A horizontal vase, looking like a cow horn, with a flat
bottom and usually sliced horizontal at the wide end with
a solid glass blunt point. Flowers are laid in it, with
the blossoms beyond the opening. Also, the insert for
otherwise called a flute
- Hour Glass
- A pair of cone shaped bulbs connected by a small neck,
usually housed in a wood frame, with fine sand or other
material that will smoothly pass through the neck forming
a time piece. Usually made with lampworking techniques. Woodcraft
is a source [2002-09-06] as is
Hourglasses by T. & K. Young [2005-09-05] Also the shape of an hour glass,
like a hand drawn figure 8.
- Hummingbird Feeder
A "bottle" to hold sugar water
for hummingbirds, most easily made as a bottle to take a
stopper with a glass tube available for converting
commercial bottles to feeders. More interesting if made
with a flower shaped neck in a shape that hangs right so
the fluid doesn't all run out. Cleaning and refilling
must be considered in the design. A drilled hole may be a
- Hurricane Lamp Chimney
- A larger version of a lamp chimney
usually symmetrical so top and bottom are same size with
bulge in the middle.
- Hyacinth vase
A vase not unlike a decanter, with a raised lip to
support a hyacinth bulb above the liquid with the roots
in the liquid. ETG
- I
- Drip of glass with a loop at the end for hanging to catch light. 4-6"
long. Became popular about 2001 Christmas from what I can tell.
Internet search returns many vertical blown ornaments labeled icicles also.
Online examples are often twisted flat glass.
- Inkwell, Ink Bottle
- Used with quill and steel point pens, the well held ink
and some times a stopper kept it from drying out.
Inkwells tend to have small openings to reduce
evaporation/drying of the ink and to hold the pen upright
by its tip. Examples with matching paperweight like bases
and stoppers in GGNJ Pl.16,17,
OGP P.42, AG-M pl.47
- J
- has become synonymous with a glass vase with the back
turned up and the sides and front turned down with a long thin neck
resembling the
flower. The name in itself was coined by Louis C. Tiffany
around the turn of the century, but examples had been
made earlier. An external link to examples
- Jar
- An upright container with a flat bottom normally equiped
at the rim to take a tight lid to keep liquids within or
solids air tight. Canning Jar
Usually roughly cylindrical, may be pressed or mold
blown, with designs or ads on the surface. Jam jar shown
in ETG (p.62) is a bowl
with an indented rim so "brandied paper covers"
could be tied in place.
- Jelly Glass
- Stemmed bowl, usually deeper than wide, for serving trifle and jelly
MILLER p.246 sweetmeat
- K
- Knife Rest
- As shown in Warman's 144, a cut glass dumbbell for resting a knife so
it does not contact the counter.
- Knob
- Most often a cabinet knob, but also a door
handle knob. Usually cast glass which may then be
facetted. Common pull knobs have a hole through them and
are mounted with a bolt, the head showing. Emtek sells
knobs that are mounted in a brass base that takes a bolt
from behind. Getting bases is not easy. Could be produced
as small paperweights, glued or crimped into a base, or
as specially shaped beads. Can be made on stainless steel cores -
- Kuttrolf (German)

- A vessel with small tubes, 4 or 5, connecting a bulbous base to a cup
shaped top. The tubes may be twisted and their purpose was to slow
dispensing of spirits. Several variations are basically decanters (the
upper part narrows to a neck that can take a stopper) with open tubes at the
corners and optionally in the center. Small necks are tubes attached, large
are pinched in sides broken through. GAWH
- L
- Ladle
- My experience has been that glass tableware and serving
utensils are few. However, a glass ladle for a punch bowl
seems almost required and glass ladles for gravy are
rather common, matched to a gravy boat (sauce boat)
Ladles in glass are usually a flat curved handle dropping
down to a hemispherical bowl with the rim perpendicular
to the handle.
- Lamp Chimney
- A cylinder of glass, often bulging near the base, open
top and bottom to shield a candle or wick from breezes
and reduce flickering. HB15 May be covered with glass
- Lamp Globe
- A sphere with one large opening lipped to fit in a
ceiling fitting, usually commercial, white, thin frosted
or thicker lensed glass. HB15
- Lamp, Oil
- "Oil lamps provided the most reliable light for a couple
of hundred years, between candles and electric light. Oil
lamps require a chimney to produce the brightest flame,
to keep the flame from smoking, and to keep the wind/draft
from flickering the flame. A common lamp has a wide
footed base supporting a spherical glass fuel container
which mounts the burner on the top. The burner usually
has prongs which support the chimney and may have another
set which support the shade. Although many styles were
built, a standard #2 burner is used very, very often and
is the only easy to find size today." B&P Lamp,
McMinnville TN is a major source of parts and lamps.
- '"suspended well" type lamp. I have seen them
at the Nature company, it appears as though a molten tube
is pressed through the side of a cylinder' Internet
Question 9/4/95 Whale oil lamps are built more upright in
the examples I have seen (NEGG fig.182)
- Lamp Shade
- May be a variation on a cylinder, open on both ends, for
an oil lamp or a hat shaped spun disk sagged to ripple
the edge, neck ground for electric light socket (Dale
Battle.) HB15 Light Fixtures and
- Lamp, Table or Floor
- Lighting fixture of appropriate height for non-glare
lighting for reading or decoration to place on a table (about
30" tall - .75m) or on floor (about 60-72" tall
1.5-.9m). When glass is incorporated, it may be as minor
decorations on the shaft, as a frosted bowl to diffuse the
glass, as a shade, or in the column of the lamp as
decoration. Light Fixtures and
- Lantern glass
- A flat of glass to go in a frame around a candle or oil
wick light.
- Linen smoother
- Flat bottomed round of solid glass with a knob on top.
("Rare" Fig.97, NEGG)
- Lustre
- A table or mantle decoration, mostly late 19th century, as they have a
lot of Victorian clutter to them, with hanging pendants from a bowl shape
that holds a candle, usually pairs. MILLER
- M
- Mail Box
- I saw today (2001-04-28) at the store a Visual Mailbox
made of glass. It was clearly mold blown, whether by hand
or machine, I don't know. I should have gone and gotten
my camera. The top slot was protected with an aluminum
cap hinged on a heavy wire around the neck and the
surface was ground. The bottom was more aluminum with a
catch latch to keep the mail from falling out the bottom.
The young lady said it had been on her grandmother's
front porch until she died in 1970 ("It's really old",
this very young lady said.) When I did a web search this
site has a three part tin top with a glass bag (half
round) under it. Mail goes in a slot and the top opens to
get mail. $35. A box almost identical to the one shown
me, the bottom clip being smaller is shown at this site
to support a finished eBay auction. $75.
- Mantel ornaments
- Tapering glass decorations, solid like a paperweight (in GGNJ Pl.14), with internal
decorations, matching a candle holder in vertical
impression. Weight intended to be viewed from side. (tall
foot under paperweight) OGP
- Marbles
- Spheres of solid glass, usually with a pattern visible
from all sides, traditionally an inch or less in size,
but some people are now making 3,4,5, and 6" objects
that are effectively marbles. The difference between a
marble and a paperweight is that typically a marble is
worked from prepared rod (the color twist for example)
while the paperweight is built up. Usually a paperweight
has a distinct attachment mark which must be ground away
and polished or cut, while a marble is formed using tiny
weak punties which leave little or no mark. [Although I
have seen an article on collecting saying the small punty
is considered a sign of a handmade marble.] My page
- Marble holder
- A clear walled tube, with a cap, for displaying marbles
set inside (Mark Matthews). Also a tube smaller than the
marble to form a base/stand or a ring of plastic to
prevent rolling.
- Margarita Glass
for holding the drink, a flattish goblet with a bulb under the bowl.
- Match Holder
- Small desk device to hold loose matches upright or hold a small box or a
book of matches, ideally with a ledge or shelf across the front to lay
burned matches on. 2003-12-04
- Miniatures
- Tiny pitchers, bowls shaped like much larger items. see
also animals
- Mirrors, Mirror Glass
- In ancient times, mirrors were made by making thin spherical bottles,
swirling mirroring solution inside, then breaking
and cutting apart pieces to make small decorative mirrors for
sewing into
clothing. This is still being done in India. Such mirrors
are always curved. In the period about 1500-1700 mirrors for viewing
the face were very expensive as they were made from plate glass which had to
poured, rolled, ground and polished. As sheet glass
improved, mirrors became cheaper until today's wall's of mirror are
possible. Telescope mirrors are cast blanks, usually today of
Pyrex-type glass for low expansion, which are ground to the specific curve
need to make a focus then coated on the front surface with silver solution
or aluminum deposit plating. 2006-08-21
- Mug
- Handled drinking glass, usually with heavy walls.
Variations are handled goblets and coffee cups. Mugs,
having handles, may take chunky decorations that are
uncomfortable on glasses/goblets. On the other hand,
large German drinking glasses (rohmers) were given glass
bumps (prunts) at least partly to provide a grip for
greasy hands.
- Musical Instruments
- A glass organ made of bowls was
invented by Ben Franklin.
Flutes have been made of glass
as have
Pan Pipes
(single note pipes arranged side by
side.) Lead glass "sings" when rubbed with a finger tip and glasses may
be tuned by partially filling with water; several glasses making an
instrument at least since the 14th Century. A blown glass
violin was
made in Japan and a laminated glass electric
guitar in
Milwaukee. Small glass marimbas and gongs are
online 2009-04-06
- N
- Newel post (ball is
paperweight style)
- The knob on the top of the post of the railing of a
stairway. Solid glass or blown. Rare. OGP P.42
- Night Light
- Modern is a small plugin electric fixture with a bracket
to which a glass piece is attached, perhaps most often in
stained glass. Plug units are available from stained
glass supply sources. Modern oil candles can serve the
same purpose. Old nightlights were lamps with very small
wick and fairly large fluid holders that would provide
light all night. NEGG Sparking Lamp, Fairy
- Nuggets
- Small blobs of glass created by dropping molten glass on a flat surface,
used in stained glass work and by florists as support for flowers in clear
glass containers. 2007-11-14
- O
- Oil Candle
- Blown shape to hold plain or colored clear oil made for
the purpose with a small diameter wick placed through a
small opening. The wick is usually suspended in a small
Pyrex tube for heat resistance. The shape should
encourage air flow so there is a candle-like rather than
a lamp type flame.
- Oil Lamp
- See Lamp, Oil
- Ornament
- Thin walled globe, usually with an applied glass loop for
hanging. Can use ordinary Christmas hangers when
available. Witch balls are larger.
AlBo Glass calls
them Festive Orbs.
See also float.
- P
- Paperweight
- Flat bottomed, often spherical top, glass. See Weight
- Patio Light
- A vase with a bulbous base curving up and in to wide
opening to take candles or burn citronella laced wax on
open table. Viking (P5060) made one
with taper cut/pulled to four points.
- Pedestal
vertical object with a flat base and flat top intended for supporting
another object like a vase or sculpture.
- Pen, Quill
- A writing pen made of glass, most often by lampworkers, ribbed glass is
used to hold ink. Link to
Glass Pens
- Pen Holder
- Device to hold a pen upright on a desk, with ink for old style pens,
tubular holder for ball point. Former is a small vase with a neck size to
match the pen. Latter can be block with a hole or a slab with an
attached device. 2005-03-07
- Pencil Holder
- Basically a glass to hold pencils (and ballpoint pens, etc.) upright for
quick recovery. Straight sided with enough weight for security, could
be made with over hanging lips or other shapes to align items. 2005-03-07
- Perfume bottle
- Usually a very thick walled, highly decorated small
bottle with a stopper having an extended stem to apply
the small amount of costly scent. Scent Bottle
- Pilsner
- A footed glass, usually tall and slender, with slightly
tapering or flared sides, originally for serving Pilsner
- Pitcher
- A server of liquid, usually with a pouring spout or lip
with a handle opposite. Blowers often design to match a
set of goblets.
- Plate
- A flat serving or eating dish, rarely blown because
commercial items are so cheap and making matched sets is
so difficult. Also color application is tricky as people
may wish to avoid eating off color bits they fear may
contain lead.
- Plate Glass
- Flat glass ground and polished in old days, now just
large sheets of thick float glass.
- Platter
- A larger plate, often oval, rarely made except as large
decorations for table or wall (plaques.) A challenge to
work and reheat if any shaping is done after spinning.
The shape before spinning is volcano shaped - a flat
base, a rounded edge and side in a steep cone that is
turned out to form the rim.
- Polycandelon
chandelier with cone shaped glass containers for the oil with floating wick and for spreading the light.
http://www.havene.org/polycandelon.html 2008-05-06
- Pond Floats
- "Pond Floats are shimmering hand blown glass globes.
Beautiful floating in an outdoor pond, in a flower
arrangement, or as a sparkling glass centerpiece for your
dining room table. Hand blown glass. If you are
interested in buying Pond Floats (formerly sold through
Garden.com) retail or wholesale, please send email to sales@rynoglass.com
http://www.rynoglass.com "
- Powder box
- Holds powder for wigs (and face powder? and ink dusting
powder?) (body is paperweight) OGP
- Pressed Glass
- Molten glass is pushed (pressed) into
a mold by a matching inner core. Can be used as a technique.
Longer on Pressed Glass and 2nd Def 2008-12-05 edit
- Proof Glass or Proof Phial
- A thin bottle with a heavy bottom and a lip around the
top that takes a string, to be lowered into a cask
through a bung hole to test the wine or liquor inside. NEGG p.34
- Punch Bowl
- A huge hemispherical glass container for mixed fruit
punch drink, often without a foot. May hold several
gallons. Mostly made of pressed glass. Size makes it a
great blowing challenge. see Ladle
- Pyramid
- Usually an arrangement of other glass objects, such as a
pyramid built of champagne glasses. Particularly, a set
of salvers of decreasing size for
dispensing sweet breads, with a single bread at the top. NEGG.
- Q
- R
Rain Chain
- A sequence of cups or big chain lengths that is decorative at the corner
of a house as well as draining water down while breaking the force of
falling, often metal,
The Rain
Well.com 2007-06-25
- Relish
- A flat bowl with dividers so different kinds of relish
can be served.
- Ring Holder
- Looks like an inverted mushroom with finger sized tapering stem for
holding rings taken off for the night, etc. 2012-03-28
- Rolling Pin
Straight walled cylinder for rolling out
pie dough, etc. Glass pins may be hollow or solid. If
hollow may have cork stopper to take ice water for a
chilled roller. NEGG Fig.116.
Originally for holding salt when it was highly taxed,
tapered, not a cylinder, which came later. GGNJ Fig.145
- Rummer (Roemer)
- Goblet with bigger bowl and short
stem, often with heavy foot. German
- S Salt
- A container once used when salt was placed on table to be
picked up by fingers. May be a small short stemmed bowl
or take almost any other form including square,
rectangular, boat, etc. Salts do not seem to have lids
nearly as often as sugar bowls, which need to keep flies
out, but both absorb moisture.
- Salver
- Flat tray-like top on a stem, used for food service and
to stack into pyramids. Fig18 NEGG
- Sauce Boat
- A long narrow bowl with a spout at one end and a handle
at the other and usually with a foot in the shape of a
plate to catch drips. Also used for and called a gravy boat.
- Saucer
- A small plate with an indented center to hold the base of
a matching cup to keep it from sliding when the pair were
carried by the rim of the saucer. The saucer may catch
spills from the cup and for a time it was the fashion to
pour from the cup to the saucer to cool the drink,
setting the cup on a cup plate.
- Scent Bottles
- Often double ended, designed for carrying in purse or pocket, with no
flat bottom, for carrying a pleasant scent and smelling salts for recovering
from a faint. Common in Victorian times with tight clothing.
Almost any comfortable shape. MILLER
includes perfume bottles in this category.
- Sconce
- A wall mounted light fixture normally containing a curved
fan or shell shaped glass piece mounted in a metal frame.
Often found today in hotel hallways and along side
mirrors in restrooms. Glass is usually opal or etched to
diffuse the glass and not show the bulb. Normally open at
the top. Light Fixtures and Lamps
- Sheet Glass
- See Window Glass, Flat Glass
- Shells, Sea Shells
- Sea shells are attractive ornaments, made quickly by
those with access to good color. Here are some attractive
at least at the scale of these pictures. Producing the white inner
surface accurately is more of a challenge. Recently I have seen shells
with glass pearls included.
- Shelving, Glass Shelves
- Flat pieces of glass used for holding objects, glass having the
advantage the light will pass through it allowing overall lighting from
above or bottom lighting. Usually thicker glass with polished rounded
edges. Glass on glass requires careful support as both shelf and
objects are heavy. Usually not tempered
because failure would drop everything to the next shelf. 2008-12-15
- Shot glass pen holder
- A narrow glass with a heavy enough foot to hold pens
upright. (foot is paperweight) OGP
- Silvered Glass
- The glassblowing aspect is that these are double walled so that mercury
can be put inside [mercury should not be used today, it is dangerous even in
small spilled quantities.] The silvered glass was to represent true
silver for those who could not afford it. MILLER
shows salts (p.232) scent bottles (235) tazzas (249), vases (295) 2003-07-11
- Slicker stone, smoothing stone
- Flat mushroom top shape "to iron and glaze linen" heated.
MILLER p.302
- Snifter
- See Brandy Snifter
- Snuff Bottle
small bottle to hold ground fermented tobacco powder to pour out and inhale
through the nose. Examples from private collection shown at Crow Collection
of Asian Art, Dallas, TX Carved glass. 2010-10-13
- Sparking Lamp
- A smaller than average oil lamp, producing a romantic
lower level of light. Perhaps, less romantically, with a
small oil chamber, a light that would go out after the
user fell asleep without being blown out. See Also Night Light NEGG
- Spill Vase
- Upright short (footed) vase used to hold short pieces of wood or paper
(spills) used to light candles and lanterns from each other. (Shown on
Antiques Roadshow, pressed glass in blue)
- Stained Glass
- Although rarely done today in art studios, colored glass pieces for
inclusion in stained (leaded) glass work may be made at
the fire from clear and colored glasses with stringer,
etc., shaped or flattened in the kiln. True stained glass
(color in the melt) can be made by anyone who melts
glass, but it is usually poured, rolled and annealed with
equipment most blowers don't have. (see also Window Glass)
Jim Bowman is making his own roundels for his and
his wife's
- Sun Catcher
- A glass object, more often fused or stained glass, placed or hung in
window to show off the transparency and color patterns of the glass.
Nothing prevents making similar furnace worked objects although
ornaments are more commonly done. 2007-10-04
- Sugar bowl
- Like a salt, but usually covered, perhaps with a witch
ball, to keep out insects and humidity.
- Sweetmeat
- Vase shape on a stem with narrow bottom with slightly flared top so
it is easy to reach in to take out candy, dried fruit,
etc. NEGG Jelly glass
- Swizzle Stick
- A stirring stick for drinks, which may be hollow - straw style - and
formed into various shapes - a golf club MILLER p.302
- T
- Table Lamp
- A decorative lamp unit intended for placing on a
low side table as room decorations from light through shade and base and
also somewhat functional for reading with light below the shade, often too
low. When glass is
involved it may be part of the lamp base (normally in the
form of a vase) or as the shade (usually a bowl form.) Light Fixtures and Lamps
- Table ornament (ball with support)
- Built like a paperweight, but with a base so that the
globe stands up closer to eye level. OGP P.42
- Target bottle (ball)
- a glass ball designed to be shot at by sportsmen, like
clay pigeons. IGCB
- Tazza
- Flat bowl on a stem.
- Toasting glass
- An oversized wine glass that holds enough to allow the
host/toastmaster to drink several toasts in succession at
a banquet. (spiral stem is paperweight style) OGP P.42
- Torpedo bottle

- a soda or mineral water bottle with a torpedo-shaped
bottom. IGCB
- Tulipiere
- A vase for holding tulips where each bloom gets its own opening, so it
is multi-necked. Created in pottery during the tulip craze in Holland.
This site
http://www.davisantiques.theshoppe.com/tulipieres.htm has the form I
first saw, but other sites have more rectangular, vases with lids with holes
in them, etc.
- Twine Holder
- a bell jar shape with a hole in the center of the knob to
dispense string (GGNJ Fig.182.)
- U
- Urinal
- A bottle shape with a proportionally larger neck and flared opening for
receiving urine, the female version having an oval opening, male round.
- V
- Vase
- Holders for flowers and water, often V shaped for groups
of stems or tubular for a single stem (bud vases.) Can be
a major form of expression especially if matched to
styles of flower arranging. Vase (ball foot is
paperweight) OGP P.42
Epergne, Bulb vase
- Violet Goblet
- A small pressed glass goblet shape
suitable for holding a few blooms and leaves of violets,
popularized by the Empress Eugenie ETG
- W
- Wafer glass
- Although it may mean something else, wafer means to me
the thin disks used in a religious communion service. In
any case, this looks like a medium wine glass with a
flattish bowl where the wafers lay flat and can be
removed at the rim. A small candy dish. The source does
not clarify this. (Thick foot is paperweight) OGP P.42
- Wall Pocket
- A flat sided vase shape designed for hanging on a wall or
inserting in a car flower holder. Most popular in
pottery, pressed glass, and plastic in the 1920's - 60's.,
Carnival glass. 57 found on recent ebay, '"wall
pocket" glass', search; mostly pressed glass, blown
violin with metal holder. 2000-9-12
- Watering Glass Sphere, Self-Watering
glass sphere with a long stem and a stoppered hole to be filled with water
for slow watering of plants. Typically 3" in diameter 12.5" overall, 1/2"
diameter at the end of the stem. From the descriptions, ID is about
1/8", which it would have to be for strength. Visible on line:
Self-Watering Spheres (3) $29.99 or $9.99 each. Image shows a different
brand inset into main image. 2005-03-28
- Weight
- Paper and doorstop. A solid glass object most often
having the design near the bottom and using the optical
enlarging of the clear glass above for effect with a
second major group featuring a body design to be looked
at from the sides. The designs include those assembled
from many small bits of glass (millefiori), those from
pre-twisted shapes, those including lampworked plants and
animals, and those built from fluid glass on the punty.
The same techniques are used in modern thick walled glass
vases and perfume bottles, etc., referred to as
paperweight style. Paperweight variations: door handles, cologne bottle (stopper),
Mantel ornaments (tall stand), shot glass pen holder (base
or foot), ink stand (stopper and thick base), Wine
glasses (at bottom of bowl), Wig stand (glass cone footed),
vase (ball foot), powder box (body), toasting glass (spiral
stem?), newel post (ball), wafer glass (flattish bowl,
thick foot), table ornament (ball, support ring) OGP p.42 Eggs,
- Wig stand
- Probably not much use today, this solid glass cone with a
foot is tall enough to support the old full wigs now
mostly seen in British court rooms and historic films. OGP P.42
- Wind Chime
- Any device which makes reasonably pleasant sounds when blown by wind.
May be a bell form or pieces of glass struck by a swinging wood piece
(rather fragile) or a garden chime in the form of a bell shape set over a
glass or metal stake so the wind swings the rim to clang (like a mushroom in
appearance.) 2004-12-13
- Window glass
- Clear Flat Glass intended for looking through and
letting in sunlight which may be tinted or frosted for heat control and
Window-Light Workers
- Wine glasses
- Wine glasses come a great variety of shapes. In the
ultimate, there has been a shape of glass designated for
virtually every variation in wine, brandy and liquor. (at
bottom of bowl is paperweight OGP
P.42) see also, wafer glass, brandy snifter
- Wine Stopper
- See Bottle Stopper
- Witch ball
- globe, usually about 4", hung in windows or outdoors
to keep away demons or simply as an inexpensive colorful
decoration. Originally a bottle to hold some holy water (AG-M,
GGNJ). Recently things made with glass
threads across the inside have been "defined" as witch balls. Not seen in
older ones. ornament
- Y
- A tall glass for beer, typically about 16-18" (Half-Yard) although
supposedly 3 feet, often with a bulbous base and long tapered body. May
require a stand, being top heavy and may have a rounded base. A full yard is
2.3L (78oz)
here Used for drinking challenges, emptying it without setting it down.
- Z
References - Site Bibliography
This list is an older copy, current list maintained in Sources
- AG-M
- American Glass. George S and Helen McKearin, Crown
Publishers, NY, 1941, 1948 (twelfth printing 1956)
- Glass, A World History, Fritz Kampfer and Klaus G. Beyer,
translated by Dr.Edmund Launert,New York Graphic Society,
- The Glass Gaffers of New Jersey, Adeline Pepper, Charles
Scribner's Sons, NY, 1971, ISBN 684-10459-8
- Glass and Glassware, George Savage, Octopus Books,
London, Dist in US Crescent, div.of Crown 1973, ISBN: 0-7064-0143-3
- New England Glass and Glassmaking, Kenneth M. Wilson,
Thomas Y. Crowell Co., NY 1972, "An Old Sturbridge
Village Book" ISBN 0- 690-58075-4
- Oxford English Dictionary, a huge classic old work with
specific dated references to virtually all the meanings
of all the words in the English language. 23 volumes, or
the 2 volume tiny print version I have.
- Old Glass Paperweights, Their Art, Construction, and
Distinguishing Features, Evangeline H. Bergstrom, Crown
Publishers, 1940,47 2nd printing 1948
- P5060
- Popular 50's & 60's Glass, Leslie Piņa, Schiffer
Publishing Ltd., 1995, ISBN 0-88740-829-X
- Two Hundred Years of American Blown Glass, Helen &
George McKearin, Crown Publishers 1949, 50
Glossary Table of Contents
This page partly from Mike Firth's Hot
Bits Recipes. All rights reserved