Rev. 2003-05-03, 2005-01-27
I don't know much about making marbles, so this page will change as I do, but here are a few notes and a link.
Handmade marbles are typically made from a thick cane of a flat ribbon design which is given a twist and pieces are taken off and further cased over to produce a spiral of color or the cane has lines of color and when this is pinched off, a ball of color is formed with all the lines coming together at two points, like yarn around a core. Less commonly, marbles are treated like miniature paperweights with all the variations possible there. Marbles are finally finished by turning them in a mold or against a curved edge and placing a punty repeatedly in different locations until the mark is mostly gone. Some people use a graphite or wood mold, while Art has said that since all that is needed is the edge (which seems to work for me) of a tube. I made my tube from conduit, grinding the inside edge to a slight bevel, since using a tube with a square edge really did not work for me. A second tube, larger, I made from 1-1/2" steel tubing My biggest problem is the amount of heat they hold and the size of the punty mark. My jacks also leave a fairly ugly ring. Having a small punty mark is considered an acceptable flaw in a handmade marble.
2002-06-24 I continue to work on marbles, but I have started building birds perched on top of them
The Summer 2001 issue of Glass magazine has a cover story on marbles that has a modest discussion of their history and making. Mark Mathews is a stunning marble maker from the furnace. Torch made marbles with links to other glass Torch Made Marbles: Drew Frits Marbles with links to galleries: >I am doing a production run for an aquarium craft project and
am need Megamarbles "Vacor's current production is 14-16 million marbles a day"