- A
a canne
- "A type of filigrana glass
created by fusing a row of fine, colored canes to
produce a striped pattern. Sometimes described as fili"
20CFG [each cane has a
clear case for spacing and a thin line inside. MF]
- Ariel
- Bubble designs by coldworking a deep carved sandblast
design and then casing in clear glass, Orrefors 1937 20CFG
- Air Marver
- Moving the piece on while on the pipe or punty to let the
molten glass flow without shaping it against a marver,
paper pad or block. In my experience, produces a more
brilliant surface, certainly produces one that often has
different shapes that working against a solid marver have
- more "organic" I use it on paperweights. 2001-10-11
- Air Trap
- A bubble surrounded by glass. Can be created by pushing
in the glass and casing over. Keeping it round, if that
is desired, is the challenge. Frantz
refers to an open bubble as an air trap
- Air stem, Air Twist
- A long thin bubble, or usually multiple bubbles; in the
stem of a goblet. May be created by piercing the hot
glass, as by pushing it down on a set of nails, and then
stretching, or by using a mold that creates narrow
grooves which are then covered with another gather,
sealing the air in place. An air twist stem is created by
twisting the stem as it is pulled. It may be created
separately, stored and applied to goblet.
- Applied
- Any decoration added to the basic blown piece, most often
used as "applied foot" on a stemmed vessel,
where the other choices are expanding the foot from the
glass of the stem and spinning the foot out from a bubble.
Applied often suggests the object was formed before
placement, as in a pressed glass applied foot.
- Applied color labeling
- a method of decorating a bottle by applying glass with a
low melting point to a bottle through a metal screen and
then baking it in a muffle. IGCB
- Avolio
- Italian term for the hour glass shaped piece in a stem that connects the
bowl or foot to the stem of a goblet or
other stemmed piece. Schmid-A
- Aussie Rollup
- A technique that got much attention in 1999 for working
glass with a glory hole but without a furnace, combining
the techniques of kiln and blown glass working, perfected
in Australia and focused on at Bullseye in the U.S. The
technique requires that a sheet of glass be prepared by
fusing the pattern desired. This sheet's width is
carefully measured (W) and brought to slumping
temperature on a flat surface. On a blowpipe, a collar of
the right diameter (W/PI) is prepared in the gloryhole.
The sheet is rolled up with the collar so the edges meet
and the glory hole is used for heating to make a cylinder
and then a closed bottle which is blown and shaped. The
technique allows a highly detailed image or pattern to be
tightly controlled in the wall of the vessel, but
otherwise produces a result similar to Stephen Powell's layout of murrini,
preheated in glory hole and torched, or Lino's pickup of latticino fused on the
plate. Public discussion of the technique brought
immediate suggestions that a certain artist years before
had fused pictures for pickup. Dante Marioni is shown
fusing and rolling a similar arrangement in the glory
hole in the book
of the same name.
Terrific pictures on his site.
Video of rollup with image on it
- B
Ball Stopper
- "A glass ball with a neck used to plug the mouth of cruets, perfumes and
decanters. Popular in the mid-1800's in US"
Collectors Encycl.of Am.Art.Glass p.225
- Banding
An even line or wrap of glass around the neck or body of
the glass, usually of small diameter. NEGG Fig 170 which may be double
or triple banding, where the bands touch but retain their
shape. Chain
- Blob top
- a bottle with a rounded blob-like lip; found frequently on
early soda and mineral water bottles. IGCB
- Blobbing
- Picking up colored chips of glass (frit) with the hot parison which are
then worked into the surface as the piece is expanded to form an irregular
scatter of blobs of color. GL5K 2005-11-18
- Blown foot
- Italian style goblet foot made by setting a small bubble on the end of
the stem, nipping the tip to open it, making a small vase shape, reheating
then turning and jacking the shape out to an almost flat disk.
Foot Funnel 2005-08-29
- Blown Molded
- Glass inflated inside a wood, plaster, or metal mold
which may set the glass shape or add decorative details.
Depending on the design may be a two or three part mold.
Describes a whole category of glass in American Blown
Glass history - 3 mold blown. AG-M
- Bubbles
- May be single (see Tear Drop) or
multiple. Multiple bubbles may be created on the surface
of the glass batch by accident and used or by plunging a
piece of wet wood or a potato into the molten glass, then
gathering and using the bubbly glass. Steuben created
fine bubbles by rolling the piece in a carbonate then
gathering over the chemical as it decomposed to gas,
making bubbles. Bubbles may also be made by grooving the
glass with a metal tool or optic or rolling the piece on
points of nails and then gathering over the holes which
hold air. Air Twist Stem
- Button
- A small blob of glass applied directly to the center
bottom of a piece and flattened there, usually to provide
a thicker portion for applying the punty and for grinding
away the punty mark. Cookie
- C
- Cambuchon
- Small half round dot of glass (see prunt) applied to the
surface and shaped like the gem cut of the same name.
- Cane
- Long thin pieces of glass, usually round, usually
colored, used to build millefiori and murrini and as rods
to decorate glass. The simplest cane is made by heating
glass and pulling, the only trick being the rate of
pulling to get a long rod of even diameter. The rod may
be several yards/meters long. 1/8" to 1/4" (3-6
mm) is a common size. If color is coated with clear and
then pulled, a thin rod of color is inside the thicker of
clear. If several of these rods are bundled and twisted
as they are pulled a spiral pattern is created used in latticino. Cane may have the center core
molded, say into a heart, then cased, the colors
remaining separate when pulled. A pattern cane may be
built then surrounded with other patterns, say petals,
and pulled to make a flower pattern or a more complicated
picture. Millefiori is a form of cane,
cut off in short pieces, figured like small flowers. Murrini are pictures made in glass,
usually sliced very thin.
- Cased , Casing
- A thick layer (or layers) of glass on the outside of
piece, created by blowing a cup of the colored glass and
keeping it hot, then blowing inside the cup with another
color or clear [or by melting colored glass and dipping
and smoothing or by working color bar down over the
outside.] Several cups may be picked up for several
colors. Also the cup may be annealed and worked, then
reheated and picked up. See also flashing ,
cups, and graal.
glos-src.htm#GANTAD MF: Also, gathering clear glass
over the outside of a previously worked shape or color,
usually to create bubbles or to place color bits in the
midst of clear glass walls. Note that different books define Casing and
Flashing in alternate ways. GL5K
Plated Glass
- Chain
- Threading done in parallel lines which are then pinched
together to produce loops like chain. (AGMCK.p28, NEGG fig.174)
- Coin in Bubble
- A hollow knob on a lid or knop in a stem can contain a
coin. A bubble must be blown and set on the part already
blown or on a punty, opened, the coin inserted and the
bubble sealed. (NEGG fig. 167-169)
- Collar
- A glass cup or disk built on a pipe for the purpose of matching a rim or
rolling up a flat hot sheet of glass. Aussie Rollup
Video showing use
- Coldworking, Cold
- Perhaps not a bit, certainly not a hot bit, coldworking
is what is done after the piece is annealed. It may
involve nothing more than grinding the bottom flat,
polishing that, and engraving a signature. Or it may
involve carving away great parts of the glass,
sandblasting the surface, or cutting the glass into
brilliant designs. Coldworking has its own page.
- Combing, Combed
- Lines of color are threaded or
otherwise laid down on a piece and then are pulled
perpendicular to the lines with sharp pointed tool. If
the tool has a single point, the pattern runs together at
the point. With a multipoint tool, one point for each
line or two, the pattern stays more evenly spaced. MF
- Confetti
- Thin glass fragments, see shards
- Cookie
- A blob of glass dropped on a marver to flatten of its own
weight or under pressure from a tool, used to form a
foot, whether of a
goblet or an un-stemmed piece. Also
used to make the piece thicker where the punty will be
applied to reduce the risk of taking out the bottom. The
extra glass is ground off after annealing.
- Crackle or Craquele or Cracked or Crinkled
- During blowing, water is either added inside the piece or the piece
is dipped briefly in water. This produces a network of
cracks in the surface, yet the piece does not fall apart
because the interior of the glass is still plastic.
Further working of the glass seals the edges of the
cracks. Color added before or after will enhance the
appearance of the crackle. Blowing enlarges and thins the
- Crimped Foot or Rim
- A cookie which is squeezed (and
twisted) at intervals for texture. A rim may also be
crimped to give it a wave-like appearance shaping each
individual wave or pushing down the rim on spaced rods.
- Cups
- If a cup shape is blown with color and is garaged, then a
gather may be blown inside for double layer effect. If
two or more cups are made, then multiple layers may be
created. Mark Boutte makes sculptural pieces by blowing
several cups with thin layers of color on thicker clear
glass. He then takes a solid gather and places it in the
smallest cup, heating and nesting the remainder to make a
solid which he then worked to expose and interact the
layers while sculpturing. Flashing, Graal, Casing are
other color layer effects.
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- D
- Devil's Fire
- An internal decoration for solid glass, apparently
created by pushing a thin sharp tapered pointer through
color spots on the bottom of the piece. Shown in mantle
ornaments (plate 14) and paperweight and ink bottle (plate
16) of GGNJ where it is suggested it looks like swamp
- Diamond
- A molded pattern of lines with flat diamond shapes
recessed between them. May also result from a straight
optic being used twice with the piece being twisted while
hot to produce diagonal lines and by threading and then
pinching the threads together at intervals.
- Dip Molded
- When a pattern is applied to the glass by putting the
gather into a mold. Often ribbed, spiral, diamonds, waves.
20CFG Because of the way
glass behaves, the effects of the dip pattern remain in
the piece, to a greater or lesser degree even after
blowing. MF
- Domed Foot
- A foot in the shape of a hollow hemisphere, made
separately, usually, like a bowl and attached to the
- Drip, Optical Drip
- A thick trail of glass looking like a large drop of water
running down the side of the body. An effective use of an
optical drip is Sybren Valkema's Unica, 1973, (right)
where a cobalt blue wrap and trail is overlaid with a
clear drip that modifies the image shape of the trail.
- Draining/Dumping
- Like gathering, less a bit than a process. As a piece
gets larger, the gathering process may result in getting
too much glass or an uneven amount of glass. Leaving the
pipe in the furnace will result in the worker being
cooked and the cooler previous gathers becoming soft and
sloppy, so the piece is pulled out and placed over a
bucket of water and turned to even the layer of glass and
drain off the excess. This works best when the glass is
hotter (and thinner) and the worker wants thinner even
- E
- F
- Decoration involving threading a piece, rolling in the thread, and then using a pick
to pull the threads to a point, giving the appearance of
a feather tip. Hooked decor
- Festoon
- Decoration in which a thread it passed up and down the body of a piece
while the piece is rotated, placing a loop eight or ten times around the
piece. At first glance piece may appear ribbed when thread is same
glass as body. The name from the similarity to swooping of garlands.
GL5K pl.132
- Filigrana
- "Generic name for glass decorated internally with
patterns created from fine, pre-formed canes. The canes
are usually made of lattimo or
colored glass." a canne zanfirico 20CFG "An abbreviation of vetro a
filigrana, the old term used for all varieties of blown glass made with
opaque canes. The three principal types are vetro a fili in which all
the canes for a series of parallel lines, vetro a retorti in which each of
the canes has been twisted into a spiral pattern and vetro a reticello in
which the canes crisscross each other to form a fine mesh."
GL5K 2005-11-28
- Finial
- A vertical knob, usually on a lid, formed with jacks,
often shaped to decorative detail, such as a flame or
animal, generally taller than wide.
- Fire Polishing
- Returning the glass to the heat to smooth or shine the
surface or edge of the glass with heat. Done with pressed
glass and edges when snapped off. VAMGL
- Flashed
- A flashed piece, or flashed glass, has a thin layer of
colored glass over the thicker base glass, the color
applied usually by dipping the glass in molten color.
Normally done to provide for cutting through the thin
layer for decorative purposes. GANTAD see also cased glass
- Flashing
- Heating the glass briefly in the glory hole, it evens out
the temperature of the working glass, including the
punty, when working mostly on the rim, reheating at the
door. Also part of the decorating technique of striking where the air is blocked (or gas
added) in the gloryhole before flashing, producing a
flaring yellow reducing flame that pulls oxygen from the
metal oxide decorations, leaving shiny metal at the
surface. MF
- Folded Rim
- The thin flared rim of a bowl is folded in or out to make
a doubled thickness, giving more strength with light
weight in the object.
- Folded Foot
- The thin rim is folded over or under to provide more
strength at the rim.
- Foot
- Added to the bottom of an object to provide flat area of
support. Usually shaped so that only the rim rests on the
flat. The two most popular foot styles are flared and
cookied. see also Crimped, Pedestal,
Lilly Pad, Funnel,
Domed Blown
- Frit
- Frit is a way of adding color and
texture effects to the surface of the glass. It is small
chunks of glass, usually colored, although clear can be
used, which are usually laid out on a marver and the well
heated piece is rolled in them. The color may be given an
arrangement, checkerboard, etc., or just be a scattering
of pieces. Frit can be bought in various sizes from
sources of glass color or crushed from rods of glass.
Pieces at right made by picking up frit and turning glass
to twist color. Fritting
- Fumed, Dusted
- Fuming is a chemical process for adding variegated color
to the surface of a piece. Since the source of the color
is metal oxides, the process absolutely requires a
ventilated box with filter (a fuming hood). The hot piece
is placed in the hood and then sprayed with a chemical
solution (tin and silver being the most common) or dusted
with chemical powders, usually blown by gentle air
pressure. After application, the surface is usually
reheated and placed in a reducing flame to produce striking which converts the chemical
oxides to metals. The result is iridized like Tiffany
glass at the turn of the 19th century. See also Silver Nitrate
- Funnel Foot
- Straight sided hollow foot becoming very narrow at stem.
Shown on whale oil lamp.
- Fused, Fusing
- When glass pieces or layers, supported in a mold or on a
flat plate, is taken just to the melting point, a fused
object results. From the furnace workers point of view
this item can be incorporated into a piece, like cane or
murrine, but fusing is a whole category of glass work
part of Warm Glass. Fused patterns may be made, sawed
into layers and used to make other fused pieces or blown.
Aussie Rollup
- G
- Gadrooning, gadrooned
- Resembling the bulges around the base of earlier English
silver, created by partially dipping the bottom of a
pitcher or vase and then blowing into a scallop and point
mold. NEGG, p 33
- Galleried Rim Gallery Rim
- A rim that is flat then turned straight up, thus
appearing like the gallery and protective railing in a
- Gathering
- Getting (usually clear) glass from the furnace to build
up the amount of glass to form to the shape desired.
Almost not a "bit", since it forms the core of
the piece, but it is also used as an artistic technique (half
gather on the bottom and pull lily pad decorations,
gather over a decorated cup, etc.) See also draining/dumping
- Gold Leaf
- See Leaf
- Graal (actually spelled with dots over the
- Graal is a technique used in Swedish glass where a
flashed or cased cup is annealed and designs are cut
into the color or a clear cup is painted with enamels.
The cup is then reheated and cased or gathered over so
the color is buried under rather thick glass. Fairly
risky as the hand/cold work may be lost during reheating.
At least one Japanese artist puts gold leaf on the cold
cup, marks tiny figures into the leaf, then reheats,
gathers over, and cuts the piece, producing an
astonishing effect - he loses about half his pieces,
reportedly. Note that the cold work is distinctive, from
blowing into cups. [The
Art of Graal Glass if not showing Graal, but showing a frame, then click
About Glass on left menu under Glass Information and select about graal in
right window.] 2006-03-30
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- H
- Handle
- Loop(s) of glass forming both a grip and a decorative
change to the profile. An added hot bit partially formed
on the punty and partially during and after attachment. May be
blown hollow, crimped, optic, twisted, etc. 2003-06-24
- Half Post
- After the first gather (and following necking) a second
gather is made that does not come up to the pipe but
stops on the neck of the piece. This second gather is the
one formed in a mold while hot. "German Half Post
Method" With the result that the neck does not look
as bulky while the body is stronger. TYABG NEGG
- Hooked Decor
- "Threading applied to glass which is pulled with a hooked-shaped device
to form feathers and other decorative motifs" Collectors Encycl.of
Am.Art.Glass p.226 2008-05-21
- I
- Incalmo
- A technique that usually results in two distinct sections
of color in a vase-like object. It is done by opening out
two blown pieces so the lips are identical in diameter,
heating and bringing the edges together. The joined piece
is then freed from one pipe/punty and further worked.
Most commonly a bowl is created and puntied for one piece
while the other is still on the pipe and is opened for
joining without having been freed from the pipe. When it
is freed, the opening at the pipe becomes the mouth of
the piece (or point of entry for shears for cutting the
joined piece open.) Piece at right by Sonja Blomdahl Several bowls may be
used to make multiple bands.
Making an incalmo piece and then puntying from
the side permits vertical color. [examples from Starfish Glassworks,
Victoria BC] 2003-06
- Inclusions
- "Decorative particles of a substance placed within glass such as
metallic flecks in Spangle or Adventurine" Collectors Encycl.of
Am.Art.Glass p.226 MF: Also murrini,
millefiori, and lampworked features added to clear glass
bodies, usually thick, in the paperweight style of
furnace glass work. Collectors Encycl.of
Am.Art.Glass p.226
- Iridized Glass
- Near the end of the blowing process, metal compounds are
sprayed or blown or touched to the glass and then the
metals are exposed as thin films or other effects by a
reducing atmosphere in the glory hole. Color
- J
- K Kick
- The pushed in bottom of a vessel or bottle, decorative
and for strength. Reduces the area on which the vessel
sits and provides a thicker rim to sit on. GAWH Kick-up:
the bottom of a bottle pushed up into the interior during
construction; common on wine bottles. IGCB
- Knop
Portion of a stem or lid that would be a knob if on a
drawer. Solid or may be hollow and may have a coin
included. May be a ring around a stem on a
goblet. (Drawing from
Antiques book) 2004-03-05
- L
- Latticino
- Spiral lines usually of white glass used in stems and on
the body of Venetian-style glass. Made as cane
which is imbedded in the glass while working. Opaque White Twist
- Lattimo
- Opaque white glass, from the Italian latte, or milk 20CFG
- Leaf
- Very thin sheets of gold or silver or
platinum originally used on surfaces, applied with sizing
(glue) for a shiny effect. Some artists roll glass in
leaf, picking it up and then case it and further blow,
which tears the leaf apart in an organized way, giving
decorative effect.
- Lid
- Cover for blown object, may fit in rim, overlap rim, or
set on top. Both decorative and utilitarian - keeping bugs out and
fluids from evaporating.
- Lip
- The edge of an open topped glass piece. Often shaped for
graceful appearance and useful need (as in pouring or
grip). The lip may be crimped, bent, curved, or wrapped. A lip is almost always an edge
between the inside and outside, while a rim will often
include an upper and lower surface flat or otherwise
shaped to form a surface. See also Rim
- Lip Wrap
- A contrasting line of glass added around the lip of a
piece just before finishing, often a contrasting color.
Usually larger than a thread, but
applied the same way. Perhaps the most common bit used in
contemporary art glass, see Chihuly, etc.
- Lily Pad
- A decoration. The bottom of the piece, usually at nearly
full shape, is dipped in the molten glass and the edges of the
soft glass are pulled up the sides at 3, 4 or more points. AGA, p.54,80. May be even or uneven as shown in the image with a
bowl showing uneven pulls and the base of a pitcher with even pulls.
- Looping and Dragging
- The piece is threaded usually
with colored glass and at even spacing around the piece
the threads are dragged with a hooked tool. The piece is
then further worked. (AGMCK
p28) Feathering
- M
- Merese
- "Small disk of glass separating the bowl from the
stem of a goblet, often an ornamental detail on glasses." 20CFG stem
- Millefiori (Thousand Flowers)
- Small designs created in cane by
arranging rods of color (and other rods with designs
already made this way) bundled together, then heated and
pulled to stretch and reduce the design. For millefiori paperweights,
the cane is usually broken into short (1/8") pieces.
Used in paperweights and for design details. See also, Murrini, Cane
- Mold blown
When the partially inflated glass is inflated inside a
mold that represents about the final size of piece,
commonly made in sections to permit opening and removal
of the glass. [dip mold] Turn mold blown involves a smooth symmetrical
mold that permits turning to omit mold lines. Still mold
blown may have a design or other details that require no
turning and thus the mold division lines also show up. 20CFG Molds may be metal
covered with cork/linseed oil baked on and soaked with
water or may be wood soaked in water until waterlogged.
Whether turn or still, the molded piece may be further
worked or not. A basic shape might have the neck worked
to a carafe, a bottle, a pitcher, etc.
- Mold Pressed
- If a gather of glass is puddled out, usually on the
marver, but may be on the piece, and a mold is pushed
into it, rather than the glass pushed or pressed into the
mold. Used for strawberry prunts on German glassware.
VAMGL Examples
of metal molds
- Murrini, 2 murrine, murrhines (brit? 20CFG)
Pictures created
in slices of glass using the techniques of cane and
millefiori. Used in paperweight making and other internal
design processes. Typically the picture is built up of
elements created in cane. Murrini are normally (today)
sliced off (not broken) with a diamond saw, are fairly
thin (1/16" or less, 1 mm) and are often ground and
polished to avoid bubbles and allow detailed inspection. Stephen Rolfe
Powell uses clear center with colored rims
to create his web effect as does Dante
The image at right, edited from a Glass Art Society post
card announcing a 30th anniversary auction using the
murrini in art pieces. Note that the murrini are built in
larger sections, like the 2001 section shown, which are
combined and pulled smaller then, in this case, chopped
off. Inclusions
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- N
- Neon Argon Mercury
- Standing here for all the gases that glow under proper
conditions - neon, argon, mercury. Besides the commonly
thought of neon tubing, these gases can also be placed in
a hollow glass sculpture and lighted by a radio frequency
source. While neon tubing uses an electrode at both ends
of a section of tube, RF only requires a neck to melt off
under vacuum. Preparing either the tubing or sculpture
requires the ability to pull a hard vacuum while heating
the glass and adding the small amount of gas required.
- O
- Opaque White Twist
- Color threads placed in glass and twisted to make a stem.
Picked up from an optic if many threads, as in latichino and is encased in another layer
of clear. NEGG
- Optic
- The visual effect of thicker
and thinner clear glass. Also the metal mold with ridges
inside into which the hot glass on the pipe is pushed
leaving an impression which remains as the glass is
worked, producing optical effects. The mold is straight,
but the ridges in the glass may be twisted in working.
After twisting, the glass may be reheated and returned to
the mold for a diamond effect. Glass stringer may be
placed in the notches of the mold to apply uniformly
spaced lines around the piece on the ridges.
- P
- Pads of glass added to the outside of piece during working to receive
embossing or to provide material for carving such as the blossom portion of
floral decoration with stems and leaves in color. MF &
Collectors Encycl.of Am.Art.Glass p.226
2008-05-21 Prunt
Paperweight style
- The kinds of lampworked decorations used in paperweight
can be used in the thick walls of a vessel, such as a
paperweight vase. The level of creative detail in well
made ones is well above that of a murrine image of a
flower. Lundberg Studios makes these, one example. This is in contrast
to actually making a paperweight shape into part of the
object, where it has been used as a bowl center, part of
the stem or as the knob of a lid.
- Pattern Molded
- Glass produced in ca. 1770 in the U.S. and earlier in
Europe where the bowl is blown into a mold containing a
diamond or reticulated pattern so the bowl looks like a
glass net was drawn on it. "Stiegal" type glass.
NEGG p.31 Dip
- Pedestal Foot
- Hollow support, like the bowl of a goblet turned upside
down, usually created by blowing a second vessel in the
form of the goblet that becomes the stem.
- Pulegoso
- "Glass densely infused throughout with tiny foam-like
bubbles, from the Italian slang word pulega, meaning
small bubble." 20CFG
- Pitkin flask ribbing
- A fine ribbed pattern produced in a dip mold with 30 or
more slots cut inside, producing fine ribs that may be
swirled around the bottle by twisting the glass and
converted to broken swirled by dipping the swirled piece
again. Named after Pitkin Glass company. NEGG p.67
- Plated Glass
- "Cased, Also referred to as plated glass"
Collectors Encycl.of Am.Art.Glass p.225
- Powder
- Concentrated glass color is available in powder form or
can be ground by the worker. The powder can be placed on
the marver or in a cup for pickup by rolling the very hot
glass in it. The powder melts into the glass forming a
very thin layer on the surface which may be gathered over
for interior effects.
- Pressed Glass Bits, Press Molded
- Molten glass placed in a mold and pressed has been used
for centuries to make added hot bits including pressed
medallions, feet, stems and
handles. Machine and examples An entire piece can be pressed and pressed
bodies used as the basis for further work, adding handles
and other details including shaping a lip. Much automated
pressed glass is done to look like cut glass. Pressed Glass Techniques
- Prunt
- A blunt point of glass, looking a bit like a short cow
horn, applied for decoration and grip (of greasy mugs),
usually in the middle of a piece, which may also be
pushed with a mold. Most prunted pieces have a dozen or
so prunts. "Applied blobs, tooled or molded into
various motifs such as leaf and 'strawberry'" AGMCK p.27 Mold
Pressed The prunt may be made with a very hot bit that is formed by
pressing a mold into it, as a lion head, bell, etc. [Dreisbach class
- Punty Mark
- The shallow depression in the bottom of some pieces of
blown glass, taken as proof of hand working by some
people. Visually, when present, it has sharp edges
created by a thin wafer of glass broken free. On some
pieces it is never present, if a punty method other than
hot glass is used (say a gripper), or it may be ground
off in providing a flat bottom or if a button
is added for the purpose.
- Q Quilling
- Applied ribbons in wavy formation, or undulating ribbons,
used especially on individual pieces. Called also pinched
trailings (AGMCK p.27)
fenicio 20CFG If many fine
lines, pulled to a point, resembles a feather (quill)
drawn through wet paint. MF
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- R
- Reduction
- A process that produces an effect on prepared glass. The process
is changing the gas/air mix in the gloryhole burner so that it is rich in
gas, thus producing a reducing atmosphere that draws oxygen from metal
oxides that have been put on the surface of the glass by
fuming, rolling in powder, or applying color. The change in
atmosphere is done by either choking the air supply or by adding gas fuel
after the automatic fuel/air mixer control. The result is a bright
yellow gaseous flame in the gloryhole. The change in the glass is most
commonly that the original color of the metal oxide is changed or enhanced
with a silvery or golden sheen of the pure metal in fine particles near or
on the surface of the glass. Striking 2004-08-28
- Rigaree
- "Applied ribbons, tooled in parallel lines forming
tiny contiguous ribs; used especially on ornamental
pieces." (AGMCK p.27)
- Ribs , Ribbing
- Vertical lines forming waves of glass around a piece. On
a blown piece (often into a mold) the ribs show inside,
while on a pressed piece they do not. Pitkin
- Ridges
- Lines of glass formed above a relatively flat surface of
- Rim
- the edge of a bowl or other glass object, see Folded, Galleried, Lip
- Ring
- A thick band of glass formed into a
triangular shape so it appears as if a disk of glass were
set into a neck or stem of a piece. The decanter to the
left in this
image shows the appearance of a ring at the top of the
neck, although it is probably a lip.
- RISD ring
- The neat ring shaped bubble effect is the solidwork
result of a glassblowing trick called an "interior
fold" or a "RISD ring". Posted By: Kurt
<krw@kurtwalrath.com> Date: 2/17/2001 - 4:22 p.m. [RISD
is Rhode Island School of Design, a hot bed of studio
glass in the 70's including Dale Chihuly.] more bubble
- Rollup
- See Aussie Rollup
- S
- Scavo
- Scavo is a technique for producing an etched or corroded
effect on the surface of glass, like it had been buried
for a long time. William Morris uses it on his pseudo-archeological
pieces and an internet search on "scafo glass"
yields over 2,000 returns, most of which are decorative
pieces for sale. Most often the definition includes
"adding a corrosive chemical" to the glass
surface, although one site for Alan
Goldfarb refers to it as an ash glaze. 2002-02-08
- Shards
- Very thin glass, usually made by blowing out a bubble and shattering the
bubble. also called confetti. It is used to produce thin
areas of uniform color, being picked up like frit or powder usually.
Easier to control the over lay of one piece on another.
- Silver Leaf
- see Leaf
- Silver Nitrate
- is a chemical that when applied to hot glass forms a
compound that results in shiny silver when the piece is
placed a reducing atmosphere. A reducing atmosphere is
commonly made by blocking the air flow to the glory hole
so hot unburned gas is available to suck oxygen out of
the compound. Silver Nitrate can be made
or bought.
- Stem
- The slender connection between the bowl and the foot on a
goblet and
related glassware of differing sizes. The stem may be pulled from the bowl
or from the foot or pressed with the foot or built up of several blobs and
bubbles. The stem may have colored direction inside or bubbles.
Each part of the stem has a different name under Murano practice.
Merese Avolio Twist stem
Knop 2005-08-29
- Stopper
- A glass fitting, smaller than a lid and often solid, to
fill the top opening of a piece usually with a portion
fitted inside the opening. Often ground to fit in place
by coating with grinding compound and hand turning in the
opening. A 10:1 taper is considered reasonable.
- Striking Color
- Some colors of glass and chemical compositions will change color under
special conditions. Certain colors will strike, changing from a bland
clear or base color to a much brighter. These usually contain gold and
the change is due to a heat cycle. Burmese Glass (example)
is made with metal that changes from yellow to pink when it is cooled and
reheated just enough; if overheated, the color reverts to yellow.
Excess corrected 2006-05-06
Samples of striking (search for word "striking" on long page)
- Stringer
- Colored glass pulled out into small diameter rods/lines
of glass which may be put in an optic mold, laid on a
cane or other marver, or otherwise used to apply lines of
color to a piece. See also cane, millefiori, murrini
- Sulphide
- A whitish clay image carefully matched to the expansion
of the glass which is placed in a paperweight or vessel
wall. The air in the clay gives a silvery sheen to
enclosure, looking like matte finish silver. According to
the book "Sulphides", enclosure is done blowing
out the end of a flat bubble, inserting the heated
sulphide, reheating and sealing the end, then reheating
and sucking the air out through the pipe. Sulphides web page on experiments.
- Superimposed and Tooled Decoration
- "A separate gather of glass, called a 'pearl', was
attached to the end of a partially formed piece, pulled
up, forming an outer layer or case on the body, and
tooled into the desired form, principally heavy swirled
ribs, and flutes, swagging, a wavy formation, and the so-called
lily-pad decoration." (AGMCK
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- T
- Table of Glass
- The term used for the disks created in the crown glass
method of making window glass. NEGG p.81
- Tear Drop
- A bubble, round on one end, pointed on the other, created
by poking the glass (and blowing into the hole for larger
bubbles) then sealing and covering the hole. See also air twist.
- Tears
- Long slender glass "drips" bulging at one end ,
tapering to thin. A decoration for glass, rather rare, (Damon,
GANTAD, p.77) or free hanging glass ornaments (1999)
usually with color.
- Tessere Tesserae
- "Fusing together of separate pieces of glass that
are then blown and shaped." GMOM Aussie
Rollup "Thin slices of circular, square, or
rectangular colored glass, often patterned, used to
decorate the surface of blown glass vessels" 20CFG [in other words, not
fused, but picked up. MF]
- Tessuto
- "Fusing together of thin rods of glass that are then
shaped or blown." GMOM
- Threading, Threaded
A thin line of glass wound around the body most often,
the neck or rim less often (but see lip
wrap.) Created by touching to the piece the tip of a
cone of molten glass on a punty and then turning the
piece. Application is easier with threading rollers which
are two sets of wheels on which the punty or pipe is
placed. Because the wheels are set at an angle, each
rotation moves the piece the same distance along the axis
of rotation and the thread forms a spiral up the piece.
If the piece has been formed in an optic before
threading, the thread touches only on the ridges and
during reheating forms spots of color. Threading may be
done and then gathered over to put threads inside the
glass. Also sometimes called trailing.
- Three Mold
- short hand term for glass blown into a three part mold
which opens to release the piece which may then be
further worked including adding details. Pressed glass
made in a three part mold has sharp rather than soft mold
lines and usually has no added details. (AGA p.70, Ant.12/29,
p.505) Mold shown in NEGG, fig.70, two sections hinge
vertically off third.
- Trail
- A path of glass across the body, not around the body like
threading, it may wander or simply be
laid flat, perhaps not as large as a drip.
Created by heating a bit, shaping it if necessary (flat
or cone shaped), reheating to very soft and then drawing
with the tip of the glass, moving the punty to make the
- Twist stem, Air or
Fine lines spiraling up the thin stem of a
goblet (or
handle) created by two methods. Opaque is made like
millefiori, Air is made by introducing bubbles in any of several ways -
pierced from the bottom, grooves on the side - which are then sealed.
CB in Miller calls an open loop stem a twist
stem (right). 2003-06-26 stem
- U V
- Veiling
- Some of the loveliest effects in solid glass are achieved
by veiling (term used by Frantz)
in which the hot form is fumed or otherwise surface
treated with metal oxide, which is then reduced to get
color, which then cased over. This piece has two
veilings. Littleton did pieces
with 3 or more in the early years of the studio movement.
- Vetro, vetro a filigrana, vetro a fili, vetro a
retorti, vetro a reticello
- Italian for glass and various uses of cane - see
filigrana GL5K
- W
- Wave
- Lily Pad where the glass is pulled further and
curved to a wave shape (AGA p.54)
- Wyrthen molding
- (fine spiral reeding) "first occurs as far back as
the 5th century" (GGW p.60) photograph seems to
clearly show the reeding is done in a second partial
gather, marked several (8 pair) times with jacks and then
twisted. Example has crimped leaves at top of stem.
- X Y
- Z
- "Type of filigrana glass
decorated with preformed canes containing complex
patterns of fine, spiralling, colored threads twisted in
one direction." 20CFG
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