Glass Gaffers of New Jersey

Rev. 2001-06-19, 2003-08-14, 2004-05-15, 2009-01-30 (tables)

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The purpose of this page is to make a reference to those images used on my site which were scanned from the book: The Glass Gaffers of New Jersey and their creations from 1789 to the present, Adeline Pepper, Charles Scribner's Sons, NY, 1971, ISBN 684-10459-8 [LC#70-123831 748 P424g Dallas Pub. Lib. Downtown] which are used on this site under fair use copyright law-link
Blue South Jersey pitcher Plate 7 Sapphire Blue, distinctive Jersey Color, applied crimped foot, "matchless design" opp.p85
Candlestick with gadrooning. Fig. 51 Early Jersey Candlestick double -baluster, with gadrooning. p.78
Devils Fire decoration Pl.14 Opp.p.180 Millville. Dragon fire (the color inside) mantle ornament. Spikes of color coming to surface. Originally not sure how it was done, after looking at spherical weights (Pl.16.opp.p260) and using my memory, color bits on the bottom of the clear glass are pierced with a long thin tool, carrying the color up into the clear in a slender spike - with air in the spike originally. Clearly this shape was extensively worked after the piercing.



Brown/purple goblet, double gather on the bottom of the bowl Brown/purple goblet, double gather on the bottom of the bowl
A mold blown bottle of an indian to advertise the product. A mold blown bottle of an Indian to advertise the product. Fig. 27 "The Indian Queen" p.38
A split mold and the bottle made with it A split mold and the bottle made with it - note diagonal split (corner to corner) Fig. 30 Booz Bottle and iron mold used at Whitney Glass Works Glassboro, about 1860.



Purple netted bottle Stiegel-type flasks, inverted diamond pattern Emil J. Larson 1930s. Amethyst netted bottle opp. p 116

white over clear NJ pitcher Although it looks blue in this scan, this is white over aquamarine. Scan looks like photo on my computer.


Whitney Bros. Glassworks, Glass House NJ, in the late 1870's "dominated the down, with four 2-story factory buildings each 100 by 80 feet and there were the usual appendages of sawmill, box factory, packing house, warehouses, wheelwright and blacksmith shops. ... Glass blown each month amounted to 525 tons, a job handeled by some 400 employees. A monthly supply of 100 tones of soda ash, 300 tons of sand, and 2,000 bushels of oyster-shell lime were required to produce this glass." p. 37

Solomon H. Stanger, Glassmaker 1842-52, "The most steadily employed blower was George C. Hewitt, who over the course of 40 months recorded [in a ledger 1848-52] blew 22,680 bottles, for which he received $3,148.99. This was at a time when house rent was $6.25 for three months and firewood was $2.75 a cord." "For the blast of 1848-49 there were 133 different types and sizes of bottles, from vials to demijohns, from jelly to pickle jars, from oval inks to 'plain old.'" p.44

1843 "'Dyott's Mixen for Flint Glafs'
160 lb Sand
28 lb Lime
200 lb. Pearl Ashes
36 lb. Salt
5 lb. Arsenic
8 oz Manganese
50 lb Cullet

"The union allowed workers to blow only 40 feet of single strength glass a week or 30 feet of double strength (it took 11 pains of single strength and 6 pains of double to equal an inch. ... Blowers here worked 7-8 hours then rested for 16 while the next batch was melted [until continuous furnaces were introduced.] Cylinders of glass were sometimes 70 inches long." GGNJ p. 101

"At a peak in its progress - 1883 - the Williamstown Glass Company did a quarter-million dollars worth of business annually. To achieve this the firm bought 5,000 tons of coal, 2,800 tons of sand, 1,000 tons of soda-ash, 4,000 tons of cordwood, 23,000 bushels of lime and 1,500,000 feet of box-boards a year." p. 151 [MF a US bushel is "2150.42 cubic inches or about 1.2445 cubic feet, and represents the volume of a cylindrical container 18.5 inches (47.0 cm) in diameter and 8 inches (20.3 cm) deep. The U. S. bushel holds about 35.239 07 liters." ]

Barber crimp for rosesFig.192 Ralph Barber's Crimp, modeled after rose shown on pottery in fig. 191 According to book, Barber also used the Rhulander Crimp below




Crimp by John Rhulander for making rose paperweightsFig. 199, p.263 Crimp used by John Rhulander, described as more formal.




p.321 Map of NJ showing various glass making towns discussed in the book.Map of NJ glassmaking towns


Bubbled glass weight with foot for nightlightFig. 212 Durand Glass, bubbled and faceted, to be placed on a lighted stand to act as a night light.
Ralph Barber Yellow RosePlate 16, p.261 Ralph Barber Yellow rose, ca 1900-10
Raplh Barber Pink two color rosePlate 16, p.261 Ralph Barber pink rose, ca. 1900-10


Devil's fire sample in weightPlate 16, p.261 Devil's fire paperweight, ca 1875, more vertical fire in base of inkwell shown on same page.

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