Using This Site

Rev. 2002-03-03, 2003-07-13, 2005-11-08

Return to Sitemap

This site provides an number of ways to explore it and the topic of Furnace Glassblowing.
This page reviews a few of these.

This site has over 400 pages, long and short, many of which thread from one to the next and over 1500 images.
If you are new to working glass, then "What Can I Do With Glass?"  what-can.htm .
If you want to explore furnace glass specifically, a good place to start is the narrative of a glassblowing session in the Glossary of Tools, glostool.htm#SESSION
The core of the site is the Sitemap, which contains several tables that organize the starting points of threads
through the site. Almost every page on the site has a link back to the Sitemap, as this one does above.
The top of the table columns gives a category name to the items in the column
and it is assumed that a person with an interest in one entry may enjoy the others.
An ever increasing number of hyperlinks in the pages join topics of interest.
Many pages have a table of contents of related pages as well as links within the page,
so the first screen offers quick jumps.
More recently, instead of maintaining these reference tables on every page,
a reference center has been set up, like metalctr.htm

For the person focused on words, there are several indexes and glossaries that allow reviewing
and linking directly to an entry in a web page.
I-glos.htm lists every glossary entry in a long alphabetical list which links throughout the site.
One notable index is to images. Every image on the site should have an alt label and these labels are gathered in the image index for examination and reference.
Another useful one for repeat visitors is the update index, showing most recent changes at the top
with a summary index being a small file with just the most recent ten or twelve. 
These can be accessed directly from the current edition of Hot Glass Bits, my newsletter that started on paper.  This page also has a convenient link that will notify you when the issue is changed, which happens up to a couple of times a week.

A search engine is provided for word searches. Access is at the bottom of the Sitemap.

Several Tables of Contents are provided to further group access choices, including one for the issues of Hot Glass Bits.

Contact Mike Firth