Sincerely yours:
John R. Williams
Friday. February 22, 2002. 11:00am to 1:00pm
EMPTY BOWLS 2001 was such a success that the
North Texas Food Bank wants to have lunch with us again next year.
The Meyerson Symphony Hall has offered their lobby and music for
the occasion~
This year [2001] your generous gifts raised almost $16,000 for
the NTFB. The potters and woodturners donated about 600 bowls.
You did a great job! Thank you very much.
The Food Bank expects a much larger turnout in 2002. We almost
ran out of bowls last time, and we will need more bowls for the
upcoming event. This early warning may give you time to set aside
one special hour or class or week to make bowls for this special
This event gives us exposure to people we do not normally see at
craft fairs and shows. It is a good opportunity to extend our
audience. The Junior League provides the logistical support
during the luncheon and outstanding local restaurants provide the
food. Our only obligation is to provide the bowls. We will need
all the help we can get.
Trinity Ceramics is happy to gather the bowls and deliver them to
the Food Bank. We hope you will plan to help with EMPTY BOWLS
2002. Our goal is to deliver bowls by February 18. 2002.
John Williams Trinity Ceramics
9016 Diplomacy Row, Dallas, Texas 75247 (214) 631-0540 FAX (214)
637-6463 E-mail
12 August 2001
While picking up some chemicals on Thursday, I got a copy of your
Early Warning flier on the Empty
Bowls project. I am a furnace glass blower and information sharer
(see web site above) and would like to
contribute something and spread the word if you are willing to do
glass in addition to pottery and wood.
There are only a dozen or so glassblowers in North Texas, but I
think several of them would be willing to
share. Since you say good opportunity to extend our
audience, I assume there is a need for some kind
of name tag/card/identification to do this, plus some
consideration as to size, so I would like to have
details for myself and before I put a mention on my site.
Thank you for your good work, I look forward to hearing from you.