Open Studios or Rental Facilities

Rev. 98-3-13, 2000-6-18, 2004-05-31

Rental of a glassblowing studio has been going on for decades, usually by private arrangement. Whether a given studio is available and its cost and what is included are highly variable. (See below) A more recent development is studios that are declared open for rental and have a specific published policy.

This page gives some basic information about some of the more widely known sites and will include any others that come to my attention.

This page is still under construction and has only achieved draft workability

UrbanGlass is a major operation in Brooklyn, east of Manhattan (downtown New York City), which offers classes, gallery, journal, etc. It also has a public access studio.

New Orleans School of Glass

Glass Axis (Ohio)

Public Glass (San Francisco) "which is similar to Glass Axis, has a good set-up and their rates are.
Studio rental is subject to availability. Common courtesy among
renters and students is expected at all times.
Each blow slot is three hours long and rents for $125 including
approximately 2 sq. feet of annealer floor space. We maintain a set
of basic tools (hand tools, paddles, blocks, pipes and punties) for
renters and students. We allot 25 lb. of glass per rental slot;
surcharges may apply if more is used. Additional equipment may be
reserved at the rates listed below:
. Venturi propane torch - $5/slot
. Garage - $15/slot
. Oxy-propane torch - $20/slot
. Whole annealer - $30/$40 per day

Ladle Casting
Ladle casting is occasionally scheduled and open for rental; as this is particularly material-intensive, please contact us to determine the needs of your project.

Cold Working
Standard cold working facilities and equipment are free for renters to use on work that was made at Public Glass. The facilities are otherwise available for $20.00 an hour, billed in whole-hour increments. The sand blaster alone is rented at $15/hour.

Mold Room
. Mold room - $10/hour plus materials
. Fusing/casting kiln - $40/day

Their facilities include...
Hot Studio
. 1000 lb. tank furnace
. Three benches, each with a 22" diameter glory hole and rolling yoke
. 36" x 18" x 14" garage
. Pipe warmer
. Pipe cooler
. Color pick-up oven
. 60" x 32" x 29" front-loading annealer
. Three 33" x 20" x 14" top-loading annealers

Warm Studio
. ventilated mold-making facility
. Two 22" x 22" x 20" casting kilns
. Ventilated wax pots and steamer
. Two 24" x 24" x 12" top-fired slumping kilns (under construction)
. Eight-station flameworking studio
. Flat-glass cutting/layout table

Cold Studio
. 24" 100# SiC lap wheel
. 24" diamond/pre-polish lap wheel
. Cerium polishing wheel
. 104" belt sander w/ round platen
. 14" diamond block saw
. Sintered diamond coring drill press
. 220# pressure-pot sandblast cabinet
. 2-station arbor (lathe)


Corning NY Hands On

Corning NY Studio at Corning Museum of Glass - will start 24/7 rentals in 2004 in 3 hour time slots ($125) per message

Contact Mike Firth
