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Automated build from QBASIC done 02-13-2013 14:22:31

modeling htm  37921 01/28/13   9:55p Modeling in Wax & Clay with Latex 
favorite htm  86344 12/06/12   9:53p Favorites
sheetmtl htm  19954 11/19/12   9:10a Sheetmetal Working
repousse htm  13034 11/19/12   8:41a Repoussé
chihul~1 htm   9112 11/08/12  10:46a Chihuly at the Dallas Arboretum
glos-obj htm  92160 10/18/12  10:35p Glossary of Blown Glass Objects
control  htm  62916 10/18/12   6:59a Controllers and Controlling Electric P
polyme~1 htm  18436 10/13/12   6:30a Polymer Clay
metalctr htm   9909 10/10/12   9:50p Metal Central
hotwalls htm  54931 10/03/12   9:25p Hotwalls I Have Seen
housing  htm  14462 10/03/12   8:57p Studio Housing & Buildings
furnaces htm  67638 10/02/12   8:17p Furnace Building
doors    htm  19320 10/02/12   8:14p Doors to High Temp Locations
ideas    htm  23310 09/03/12   7:11p Ideas
crftdal  htm   6970 08/31/12   8:10a Tools & Crafts Center for Dallas Texas
burner   htm  52720 08/27/12   8:05a Burner Building
mirror   htm  28277 08/22/12  11:54a Mirroring