Seattle Tacoma Museum Visit 4

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Rev. , 2009-02-10 (Images moved)

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On Wednesday of GAS, a charity event (we paid to go) bused us to Tacoma for the Museum of Glass visit with dinner thrown in.  Pictures were not allowed inside the museum exhibits, so these show the outside, the surroundings including the Chihuly Bridge, and the amazing hot shop.

The front deck of the museum  is on  a river (right) and has this reflecting pool for exhibits.  The museum has no permanent collection and choosing these willow wrappings as one of the first exhibits had the glass fanatics crying treason.  The glass wall along the deck is to the left with the museum shop behind it here, the lobby being behind the camera.
Turning right from the picture above, we have this rather spectacular bridge and domed arena.  The boats aren't bad either.  
This begins the first set of views of the shop, with more below, including exterior.  Seating is to the right and a balcony (next) over the hot stuff to the left.  The ladder is used for pulling stringer and rods.  
The huge video display faces the seating.  
Looking down from the balcony.  
Up in the corner of the balcony this glass armonica was being played by the owner.
Floor view from the other side.  
Outside a scenic shot of one of the glass pillars at the bridge.  
These buildings, plus an old courthouse, are at the land end of the bridge.  
Looking back along the bridge over the railroad tracks (lower right) with the pillars, bridge roof and the cone, recalling old brick glass factories, that houses the hot shop.  
Part of ceiling of bridge.
Another shot up into the ceiling.
This old building, flanks the museum entry and is being rehabbed for shops.
On the roof and ramps.  Dozens of glass balls floating on water in mid-image, a glass building to left, water below is pool shown below.
Glass installation, diagonal flat sheet propped with triangular glass braces.
Team planning on floor of hot shop.  Video camera produces images shown on screen above and below.
Shot up into cone. Vent ducting for furnace wall is up from lower left corner.  Ironically, nothing up at the top opens, so the place gets hotter than it should in the audience space.
Is this enough doors on a glory hole for you?  Note the combination of a rolling split and pivots.
Garage, marver, bench.
Screen shot showing the glass being worked.
Later, working the large piece.


Contact Mike Firth